Reviews that aren't worthless

We've decided that most professional movie reviewers don't provide any kind of useful information. We're out to change that.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Our Purpose

Darren and I have played for some time with the idea that movie reviews are basically worthless, and in more ways than one. The simple "thumbs-up, thumbs-down" system doesn't have enough nuance in it for someone to distinguish between a movie that's hands-down amazing, and one that's merely enjoyable. Extending that thought process a little bit, it doesn't seem to make much sense to rate all movies on the same scale. I mean, really, is it fair to rate Catwoman on the same scale as you rate Citizen Kane? For that matter, is it fair to rate Catwoman on the same scale as any other film?

The concept with this blog is for us to provide dual reviews for each film we see (both current films and older films), and to rate them using more criteria than just a worthless, one-dimensional "how good was it?" scale. We might have guest reviews in every now and then, too.

Bear with us as we develop a ratings system that we feel will be more valuable to those folks who actually want to know whether or not they should go see a movie.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best movie review ever. :D I laughed, I cried, I wet my pants.


4:51 PM  

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